Respiratory tract and FNA of Head & Neck and Pancreas
Bonn (Germany) and Hybrid
View courseHead and neck lesions are easily sampled by fine needle aspiration. In many cases this simple procedure enables the clinician to plan further clinical work-up and therapy. In this tutorial workshops on thyroid and salivary gland cytopathology are presented.
Progress in endoscopic and ultrasound techniques has lead to an increase of EUS-guided fine needle aspiration of the pancreas. A systematic approach will be presented with an accompanying workshop.
The systematic approach will be complemented by lectures on the new „International System for Reporting Lung Cytology“, on differential diagnoses and pitfalls and two lectures on molecular pathology.
The workshop is planned as a hybrid event with reduced on-site attendance and accompanying live online event. Only fully vaccinated and recovered persons are admitted for the presence participation.