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The Conjoint Board is accountable to the College and IBMS Councils through their respective committee governance structures – the Education and Professional Standards Committee of the IBMS and the Cytopathology Sub-Committee of the Cellular Pathology Specialty Advisory Committee (SAC) of the College.

The role will provide expertise and support for the committee by:

* participating in the work of the board including but not limited to the marking of portfolios and the setting and marking of the written and microscopy examinations

* actively contributing to collective work and decision-making on specialty matters

* contributing to responses for consultations as requested of the board

* providing insight and knowledge on a range of matters relevant to the work of the board

* representing the board to his/her colleagues and other bodies as appropriate.

This is a great opportunity to get involved with the College and the expertise that you bring will be beneficial to the profession and members. You will have a real chance to impact You will have a real chance to impact this aspect of College work.